
Have you considered becoming a part of a ministry team here at Concordia?
There are a variety of ways for you to become involved.  Everyone is welcome to be a member of any ministry which suits their interests, talents, needs, and spiritual gifts.  To help you make your decision on where to serve, read through the brief ministry descriptions, and prayerfully consider where you might enjoy participating.

The Christian Education Ministry Team  provides religious experiences which teach and guide the student (child or adult) in the objectives of our Christian faith and the Lutheran Church, giving the student the basis for Christian faith which will be with them all of their lives.  To this end, the committee is involved in the planning and structuring of Sunday School Programming, Vacation Bible School, Adult Education and Special Events.  Your talents are always welcomed in all of these areas:

  • Sunday School Superintendent
  • Sunday School Teacher/substitute teacher
  • Sunday School Classroom assistant
  • Vacation Bible School Teacher/Assistant
  • Adult Education Coordinator
  • Bible Study Leader/participant
  • Confirmation Coordinator

The Evangelism Ministry Team is involved in the promotion of the church and the faith through publicity and advertising, outreach programs (such as the Parish Nurse program), and new member welcome, orientation and sponsorship.  Maybe your interests lie in one of these:

  • Greeter
  • Greeter coordinator
  • New member orientation assistant/sponsor
  • Publicity chair
  • Website development and maintenance

Property and Management: This committee oversees the repair and maintenance of the church building, the parsonage and the surrounding church grounds.  Check out their meetings - usually on the second Monday of the month.

The Concordia Cares Ministry Team is involved in congregational, neighborhood, and community outreach. 

The Stewardship Ministry Team is responsible for encouraging and uplifting people in their giving habits, teaching them to be responsible stewards of God’s gifts - gifts of time, talent and money.  

The Worship & Music Ministry Team is responsible for the worship life of the church, and for the music ministry.  If you think you would enjoy planning worship services or other festival worships, this may be your place.  Just a few of the positions you might like:

  • Acolyte
  • Communion Assistant Coordinator
  • Communion Assistant
  • Instrumental/Vocal Soloist
  • Scripture Reader Coordinator
  • Scripture Reader
  • Pianist/accompanist
  • Usher
  • Worship Assistant
  • Choir member - Handbell Choir member

Our Youth & Family Ministry Team objectives are to keep young people and families of our church involved in fellowship and outreach....ideally from the time they are very young into their college-age years and beyond.
Would you be interested in:

  • Chaperoning youth events
  • Coordinating youth or family events
  • Serving on the Youth & Family Committee
  • Assisting with fundraising for mission trips

Other ministries at Concordia Lutheran Church include:

  • CLCW - Concordia (Women's Group)
  • Altar Guild - prepares our worship spaces for the Glory of God
  • Heritage Committee (involved with the church archives)
  • Parish Nurse Board
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • Quilting Group

Please call the church office if you have any questions regarding any of these committees or organizations.
